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Igbo: English:
Fire disaster! Fire disaster!
Enyimba lei lei! Oh, Enyimba!
Ife mee na Aba o! A calamity befell Aba!
Enyimba lei lei! Oh, Enyimba!
Ife mee na Aba o! A calamity befell Aba!
Enyimba lei lei! Oh, Enyimba!
Ife mee na Aba o! A calamity befell Aba!
Enyimba lei lei! Oh, Enyimba!
Ife mee na Aba o! A calamity befell Aba!
Enyimba lei lei! Oh, Enyimba!
Ife mee na Aba o! A calamity befell Aba!
Enyimba lei lei! Oh, Enyimba!
Ife mee na Aba o! A calamity befell Aba!
Enyimba lei lei! Oh, Enyimba!
Ife mee na Aba o! A calamity befell Aba!
Ebenebe gbulu na Aba Ngwa, A tragic event took place at Aba,
Anyasi Saturday, On Saturday night,
May 29th, 1976 May 29th, 1976
O di egwu! Oh goodness!
O gini melu anyi na ebelu: Why were we crying:
“Fire, fire” ? “Fire, fire” ?
O gini melu anyi na ebelu: Why were we crying:
“Fire, fire” ? “Fire, fire” ?
O gini melu anyi na ebelu: Why were we crying:
“Fire, fire” ? “Fire, fire” ?
O gini melu anyi na ebelu: Why were we crying:
“Fire, fire” ? “Fire, fire” ?
Esco gwanu m o! Esco, tell me!
Oku gbara Ekeoha A fire ravaged Ekeoha,
Afia Enyimba, ife melu anyi o! Enyimba’s market, oh we have suffered!
O di egwu o! Ife ka nmadu na-afu! Oh goodness! Life is full of sorrows!
Olu ekwensu na-alu n’enu uwa akaligo! The devil’s deeds are too much to bear!
Olisabuluuwa, biko ozo emezina anyi! God, please let it not happen again!
Oku emebisie ife m ji akpa ego! The fire has destroyed my livelihood!
Aba dibezie na o ka o si adi, People of Aba, have patience and
Na emesia na o ga-adi nma! Things will surely be better!
Oku adironu nma na enu uwa o! Oh, gosh! Fires are the worst!
Oliver biazie bia kilie m o! Oliver, come take a good look at me!
Akwa m na-ele ka oku tazili, Of all things, the fire chose my textile
Kedu ife m ga-eme na enu uwa? What will I now do with my life?
Chukwu nna biko kwa o! Father Lord, please!
Nwanne m, bia kilizie m na enu uwa nke a! My brother, look at how my world has
Oku asi na ama m bizinu! The fire has stolen my life from me!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
O di egwu, o di egwu! Oh, goodness! Oh, goodness!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
O di egwu, o di egwu! Oh, goodness! Oh, goodness!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
O di egwu, o di egwu! Oh, goodness! Oh, goodness!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
O di egwu, o di egwu! Oh, goodness! Oh, goodness!
Enyimba, ozo emezina o! Enyimba, may it not happen again!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Ozo emezina anyi o! May this not befall us again!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Ozo emezina anyi o! May this not befall us again!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Ozo emezina anyi o! May this not befall us again!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Ozo emezina anyi o! May this not befall us again!
Aba Traders anyi ekene unu o! Aba Traders, we salute you!
Aba Traders Association! Aba Traders Association!
Ndi o metutaa fa dibe! Those affected should please take heart!
Ewo, umu ibe anyi si unu ndo o! Goodness, our brothers and sisters, we
say take heart!
Fire Brigade nwelu oke fa! The Fire Brigade was affected!
Ndi Police nwee oke fa! The Police as well!
Ndi Soja nwe oke fa! The Soldiers included!
Umu Enyimba nwe oke fa! Everyone in Aba was affected!
Imo State, anyi na-ebe! Imo State is in tears! Anambra State, anyi na-ebe! Anambra State is in tears!
Ndi o metutaa fa dibe! Those affected should please take heart!
Umu Naijiria anyi ekenee! Nigerians, we salute you!
Fire Disaster! Fire Disaster!
Ekeoha Fire Disaster! Ekeoha Fire Disaster!
Fire Disaster! Fire Disaster!
Ekeoha Fire Disaster! Ekeoha Fire Disaster!
O fire o! O fire o!
O di egwu! Oh goodness!
Ozo eme, ozo eme, ozo emezina anyi o! May it never, ever, ever befall us again!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Fire, fire o! Fire, fire o!
Ozo emezina anyi o! May it never befall us again!
O di egwu o! Oh goodness!
Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
O di egwu o! Oh goodness!
Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
O di egwu o! Oh goodness!
Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
O di egwu o! Oh goodness!
Fire, fire! Fire, fire!
O Fire o! O fire!
Fire, fire, fire, fire! Fire, fire, fire, fire!